Friday, November 4, 2011

Feeling the pressure

Ok I'm begining to weigh the pros, and cons of moving here...
Maybe I should have done this before I moved? Its not like I'm being treated like crap, I'm just starting to realize I miss the freedom of having my own place. I don't like following someone else's rules, or being in someone else's space. I like having my own space. Sharing a bathroom with kids, and having to take everything in and out every day, since they will get into stuff bites.

I like having me time, not being surrounded. And I love my family, but I'm not cut out to be dealing with kids, and babies all the time. Having people tell me the proper way to clean, or when to clean bugs the crap out of me.
Having to watch what I say, or what I leave out, or eat is driving me nutts. I know it could be worse, but damn I just want my quiet life, and my 2 bedroom apartment back....

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